
Apr 13, 2021

Did you know that every year, 1 in 5 Australians experience a mental illness and unfortunately suicide is the leading cause of death for 15-44 year old’s?


After walking 80km (in one go) in 2020 to raise awareness of mental health and its implications we were struck by how many colleagues, friends, clients and candidates within our network had a story to share either about themselves or someone known to them.


By running a survey within our client / candidate pool on the ‘Mental Health Effects Of COV19’ it became even more apparent that people were suffering.

Unfortunately one of the biggest challenges with mental illness is 60% of Australian’s do not seek treatment.


The Black Dog Institute are the only independent medical institute in Australia investigating mental health research of all ages.

An independent not-for-profit medical research institute affiliated with UNSW Sydney BDI work within five portfolios to bring a rapid translational model to life:

  • Discovery
  • Innovation
  • Knowledge Translation
  • Fundraising and Development
  • Corporate Services



By partnering with The Black Dog Institute we are committed to raising awareness and funds to help our fellow Australians.

In 2021 alone we will be;

  • Hosting innovative value add events whereby all proceeds will go towards The Black Dog Institute
  • Educating our clients on what they can do as leaders to recognise when someone may be suffering from a mental illness
  • Walking 110km from Palm Beach to Bondi with the goal of raising a significant sum for the Black Dog Institute
  • Surveying our network to better understand mental illness within our sector and to provide imperative data to Black Dog Institute


1200 Australians attempt to take their lives every week.  We aim to play our part in supporting them.


“I Wish That People Could Understand That The Brain Is The Most Important Organ In Your Body. Just Because You Can’t See IT Like You Could See A Broken Bone Doesn’t Mean It’s Not As Detrimental And Devastating To A Family or An Individual” – Demi Lovato