Career abb

Mar 27, 2017

Exactly 12 months ago, I was waddling around, moaning about my swollen ankles and hoping that my son would be punctual…. It was his due date, and I could not wait to meet him (he stayed put for a while though and made us all wait, it was a sign of things to come). Soon, I was to be a mum  and I was so excited.


1 week and a 26-hour labour later…



Fast forward 12 months and I am still moaning, but now about the lack of sleep, food mess and my never-ending laundry pile. Typical whinging Pom I hear you Aussies say….

Last week, I returned to work and even as an experienced recruiter, a lot has changed in that time.  The new database, new colleagues, new processes, new clients, new candidates, new technology, new LinkedIn, the list goes on! The recruitment industry is evolving at a crazy rate with more to learn and even more to fit into a day (I mean, I even have to blog now).




The feelings that I am experiencing so far range from fear, excitement and mostly… guilt! When I walk through the door at night, the extended hug I get from my son, who doesn’t understand why Mummy is not there anymore fills me with joy but also breaks my heart; no one warned me that it would be so hard.

Searching for some help in navigating this major adjustment, I stumbled across this article. Written by successful women in technology and it resonated with me… (although I did have to remind myself that CIO did not stand for Cry It Out in this instance). 


So, I am reaching out to other professional Mum’s in technology to understand how you make the most important role you will ever take on, being a Mum, work while enjoying a successful career? What are the secrets that you can share with me as a fresh return to work mum?


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